I often get asked what is homeopathy and does it work? Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that treats mental, emotional, and physical illness. It treats you as an individual and is catered completely to the individuals’ process of wellbeing.

The main aspects of homeopathy are that it’s:

SAFE – Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic, non-addictive and completely safe for everyone. This includes babies, young children and pregnant women and they can even be taken alongside other forms of medicine.

ETHICAL – Homeopathic remedies are not tested on animals.

EMPOWERING – Instead of handing over the responsibility of your health to a health practitioner, homeopathy empowers you to take control of your own health with the guidance of your homeopath.

EFFECTIVE – Most people would come to homeopathy as a last resort when their other options have failed but homeopathy is worth considering from the beginning. I can illustrate by telling you how I got to homeopathy and the impact it had on my family…

My mum has always had “chest problems” since she was a child. She never just got a cold, it was always bronchitis or a chest infection. She was always treated with antibiotics to the point where she developed an intolerance to them. Doctors became too concerned to prescribe her with antibiotics because of the multiple side effects they were causing.
Eventually they admitted her to hospital 35 miles away and only gave her oxygen. About 37 years ago when she had been held in a hospital for a long period of time with minimum treatment, someone suggested to my dad that he take her to a homeopath…. That one suggestion transformed her life!

My mum continued to get better and her recovery was much faster than expected. Today she is fit and healthy and it is my personal belief that without homeopathy my mother would not be here today.

Why not give homeopathy a try and see how it can help you on your road to recovery? For more information and to find out how homeopathy can help you, please contact me via my website.